Johnny and his grandmother were shopping in a department store. Little
Johnny wanted to go to the toy department, but grandmother said that
they had to stop in the ladies clothing department first.
obviously couldn’t wait that long, and the next time his grandmother
turned around he was gone. She panicked and looked everywhere for him,
but he had disappeared.
Finally she went to the customer
service desk, intending to have them announce his name over the PA
system. To her relief he was already there waiting for her. The woman at
the desk said, “He wanted us to announce your name over the PA system,
but he didn’t’ know what your name was. We asked him what his daddy
called you, and he replied ‘mom’, next we asked him what Grandpa called
you and he replied ‘sugar’. We were almost out of questions for him when
another lady suggested that your daughter-in-law might call you by your
first name.”
“We were so happy to see you show up at the
desk,” she continued, “because when we asked him what his mommy called
you, we were out of ideas!”
“Well,” asked Little Johnny’s grandmother curiously, “What did he say?”
“He said,” she replied, “that his mother called you ‘THE BITCH’!”